Friday, 7 February 2025

Fw: TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS Saturday 08 February 2025: East Fort, Hout Bay

Happy Friday Trailers

Tomorrows run is ON!

There will not be a walking group.

See you there 😊

Begin forwarded message:

On Monday, February 3, 2025, 9:05 AM, Samantha Brinkmann <> wrote:

Happy Monday Trailers

This Saturday we're in the Republic of Hout Bay.

Route details
Starting from the parking by Velocity Gym, we warm up with a trot up the road to the start of the trail at East Fort. From the shortcut trail we join the jeep track until we get the split to the higher contour path where we may split into groups, those who don't like heights or don't want the steeper climb can continue along the jeep track.  We all end up at Blackburn Ravine and follow the contour path towards Chapmans Peak.  Along the single track we are treated to magnificent views (weather permitting) across the bay, note there is some mild exposure in sections adding to the adventure.
At approximately 7km groups can decide whether to summit Chapmans Peak or head down to Chapmans Peak drive, popping out by the "ticket checker".  From here we have a leg stretch on the tar (approx 4km) back to our cars.

Please remember this a social pack run led by committee with plenty of opportunities for photographs, and its important that we look out for each other. 

Rendezvous and Start Time

RV in the Velocity Gym parking area at the bottom of Chappies, please come 5 mins earlier to sign the register and for a run briefing, ready to start at 06:30.

Inline image

Terrain and Distance

A mix of jeep track, single track and tar.  

Distance: +- 12 kms taking about 2h00 - 2h30mins, longer if doing Chapmans Peak summit.

Walking group will be confirmed in Fridays mail.

*Please note adjustments to the route may be made whilst running depending on the group and weather conditions. Remember to check Friday's email just in case there are changes.

What to bring  

Water, whistle, warm/windproof top, rain jacket - weather dependent, space blanket, ICE ID - either on your phone, bracelet/tag, card in your backpack.

Please make sure that you are carrying the right equipment, enough food and water.

ImportantPlease remember to look behind you at every turn in the route to make sure the people behind you see which way you are going.  Please keep together and ensure that no-one is left on their own. 

PS  Sorry no dogs allowed on VOB runs

Have a great week!


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