Saturday 23 July 2011

Feedback Saturday 23 July: Table Mountain

Feedback on Saturday’s run

This Saturday’s run across the face of Table Mountain turned out to be a little longer than expected.  24 turned up at the start which began with a gruelling 20 minute hike up the steps to the contour path.  From there the next few kays were relatively easy although the narrow and often precipitous path required sound eye/foot co-ordination.

Inevitably we had a minor navigation error as we approached Devil’s Peak; we went up instead of down but were soon able to get onto the correct path.   The track was somewhat demanding to say the least, but was offset by the magnificent sunrise views of the City Bowl, Table Bay and beyond. An unanticipated northerly wind got up as we approached the slopes of Devil’s Peak which we later really felt while running into it along Tafelberg Road.

We did not repeat our previous error by taking the wrong-“Sam’s gate” down to Higgovale but this time chose the correct one for the final run along the dirt track below the Cableway Station back to the parking area. Thanks to Allison for leading the pack this morning, we had an uneventful, good but tough sortie.

Distance run 13.75 Km Running time 2hrs 25mins

AND   Belated Birthday Greetings to Kerry.

Regards   --Peter

Saturday 16 July 2011

Feedback Saturday 16th July 2011: Cape Point-Oliphantsbos

Despite the long drive down to the CapePoint Nature Reserve 18 of us arrived on time for a midwinter special.  This week I will let the pictures tell the story
Shortly after our dawn start we come across what's left of the wreck of the "Thomas T Tucker"

John & I examine a seal which like the Thomas T Tucker ran aground

Enough marine biology, leaving the shore line behind and heading inland

Time out to stretch and admire the scenerry

Bundu bashing with Neil at point on snake watch duties

Nature, wide-open spaces and a mid-winter sunrise, what trail running is all about

Running around Sirkelsvlei shortly before we encountered a herd of Bontebok

Along Mimetes Ridge with the South Atlantic as a backdrop

Running down the the last descent

That was it clearly one of our more scenic and beatiful routes.


Sunday 10 July 2011

Feedback Saturday 9th July: Constantia Nek to Kirstenbosch

the "undulating" course we ran

21 runners turned up for the run which included 10 newbies. After a brisk warm-up walk up the hill we soon broke into a run and took the low road through to the new look and barren Cecilia parking lot where we swung uphill and ran through the upper gate and then down to the Rycroft gate.

"stairway to the stars"

From there it was a scenic tour through the lower parts of the gardens which were looking so fresh and inviting in the cool clear morning sunshine.  Then it was a bit of an uphill slog to find the Yellowwood trail which we missed and then found.  After a shortish run along this trail it was up the “stairway to the stars” to the contour path and then home along the high route.  All in all a good run with no injuries that I heard of.    Total distance 13.2 Km in an average running time of a 2hrs 10m

Group Photo at halfway point

Sunday 3 July 2011

Brief Feedback Sat 2 July: Silvermine South East

Many of our regular runners obviously decided to conserve their energies for:

  1. The Stormer’s key game later that afternoon, or  
  2. The start of the Tour de France, or
  3. Wimbledon Ladies final, or  
  4. Die Blonde Bokkie van Benoni se royal wedding.
Surely the earlier little spittering of rain was not the reason?   Anyway 8 of us gathered with Tim’s groups at the RV as scheduled and we were soon off running in the cool clear morning air with clearing skies and high cloud.  Although an uneventful run it was one of those typical Cape champagne-oops sorry sparkling, mornings that we are so fortunate to be able to enjoy running in the mountains. We made our way up the hill and down into the amphitheatre when the tranquillity was broken by the chirping and chattering of Tim’s long distance pack who had taken the long route round as they came over the rim and trotted up the exit towards Spes Bona Valley. 
Descent down the board walk in Spes Bona was treacherous as the foot boards were very slippery with the damp induced moss and several near mishaps were experienced. Fortunately Sue broke the tension with a most informative lecture on the mind-set up of chemists which kept us on our toes so to speak.
After a gentle jog and walk up the very long hill to Junction Pool we regrouped before leaving the gravel track for the sandy “shortcut” footpath and the home run.  10.5 Kms in just over 2hours with no rain and good visibility.
