Sunday 27 November 2016


Hi Trailers,

Just a note to advise that I'm creating a Table Mountain Trailers Whatsapp group, the raison d'etre of which is to be able to contact you with last minute, urgent notices about our runs. It is NOT intended to be used as a general chat group which will have everybody's phones pinging all day every day. :)

If you'd like to be included, please reply to this email with your name and cell phone number.

Thank you.

Lorraine Nevin
072 575 0914

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Saturday 26 November 2016

FEEDBACK: Saturday 26 November 2016 - East Fort towards Chapmans Peak and back

A beautiful deceptively calm morning greeted 31 of us at Hout Bay beach. We extricated ourselves from the large gathering of women in the Catch Me If You Can group who were also starting their run from the same spot and decided to go off up Chappies before they began

The fast group, led by Geoff, went first followed at a more leisurely pace by the medium bunch. Peter's group drove up to East Fort and started from there.

As we were on the east side of the mountain, we had welcome shade as we climbed up the ravine to the turnoff.

As we got higher, Lorraine's vertigo kicked in so she turned back to do a beach run, have coffee and take some beautiful pictures which can be seen on our Facebook page.

The results of the fire are still visible but the vegetation is definitely recovering.

We crossed the stream and started towards Chapman's Peak running on beautiful single track with climbs and drops and stunning views -heading towards the sunny spots

Looking down at Chapman's Peak drive

The group spread out and we could see the front runners far ahead

At last we came into the sun! Here the wind also started.

A quick stop for a group photo - medium group - and then down to the road for the run back, hanging on to hats as the wind gusted down the mountain!. 

Nothemba Mfolozi completed her 10th sortie with TMT and moves into the special check-in!

Peter's report: 
The eight of us in the Slow Group  took two cars up to East Fort and climbed up to the Silvermine-Orange Kloof Trail which runs under the high massif of Constantia berg and leads into Blackburn Kloof near the top.  Some spectacular views but not for the faint-hearted as it is quite narrow and  precipitous in places. Then down the ziz-zag section of Blackburn to the start of the well worn gravel track and back for an easy jog down the road to the parking area

Sunday 20 November 2016

FEEDBACK: 19th November: Table Mountain North Face Traverse

29 people arrived on a what felt like a warm calm morning.  

The fast group headed off and after a while split into the fast and not so fast, and split again with the two leaders doing some extra loops along the way while getting to know the mountain.  

The medium group followed not far behind.

Once along the contour path things got very windy and quite hairy at times but everyone made it back in one piece.


The fast group covered 12.7km in just over 2 hours with the medium group doing 12km in about 2 hours 42 minutes.

The slow group joined the scaredy-cat group and ended up doing 9.5km in 1 hour 45 minutes around signal hill.

Natalie Marcus - Run Manager

Photos TM front face by Liz and Signal Hill by Lorraine