This Saturday's run saw us starting head-on into a howling black South Easter. (Who's idea was this anyway?!) Garmin connect recorded a wind of 26 kph, SE, for the morning.
From the lighthouse all groups headed up to the old military installation at the top of Slang Kop. From there the route carried on along the top of the ridge until the Ocean View road. Across the road and past the reservoir we turned right up the hill and proceed up through the Red Hill reserve. At a T-junction the Main and Recovery groups turned right and followed the track to the dam. The brave main group carried on round the dam.
The first 8kms were tough going trying to keep our balance as the gusts threatened to throw us off course. We kept waiting to hit that 'calm patch' where we could gather ourselves towards ourselves, but that was nowhere to be found! But we bravely soldiered on knowing that soon the wind would be behind us. Some of us were attacked by the vicious thorn bushes at a particularly overgrown section of the route. A few runners from the main group turned back at the dam, whilst the rest continued about half way around it before heading back. We flew back with the wind literally in our sails - what a difference! We passed the recovery group on the way back, with most of us returning more or less at the same time. Peter did a lovely (more sensible!) walk along a section of our route and returning along the coastline.
Main Group |
Main group did 16.6kms in about 2h30mins, recovery group did about 15kms.
Route map and elevation |
Thanks everyone for a great run!