About 20 of us (including one or two newbies) arrived in the dark for the
start of our run, and before we could even set off, it had started to rain. Everyone had clearly listened to previous lectures, and were all prepared
for the 'any' weather and we put on our rain jackets and headed off towards level 3, with Julian in the lead. We regrouped here and then again at the
Elephant's eye footpath for the 'group' photo. Here 4 ladies headed back
down and we hiked up to level 5. From there it was a nice long flatish run along the jeep track. The path then split towards Vlakkenberg and we headed
off along a lovely single track into 'Donkerbos' = a first for me and
probably the whole group - what a beautiful little stretch of track. We

our cars.
A total distance of 14.5 km, and a most enjoyable run, even in the rain.