Friday 28 February 2020

TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS Tomorrow's run is ON Front Face

Hi Trailers
Tomorrow's run is ON!
See you at Kloof Nek parking ready to run at 6.25 am. Weather will be warm, please bring plenty of water.
The Main Group is doing the out and back Front face to Oppelskop return route.
Neil and Felicity will decide what route they are going to do with those that want a more relaxed pace.
See you there!

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Table Mountain Trailers" group.
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Sunday 23 February 2020

TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS Sat 29 Feb Front Face Table Mountain

Hi Trailers!

Table Mountain North Face Traverse

A straightforward out and back run along the scenic trail across the North Face of Table Mountain to Oppelskop and return. 

Rendezvous and start time
RV in the upper Kloof Nek parking area at the foot of Tafelberg Rd on your left. Ready to start at 06h30.

How to get there?  
Drive up Kloof Nek Rd to the top and follow the signs to the Cable Station. After turning left onto Tafelberg Rd you will see a parking area on your left, it has two levels, turn left into the upper level or park on the lower level behind the MyCiti terminal.

Terrain and distance
A good fairly steep climb up to the upper contour path below Kloof Corner ridge then along the undulating single mountain contour trail which runs across the North face overlooking the City. 
Once up on the contour path there are a few modest gradients and most of it is along a single gravel and rocky trail with occasional precipitous short stretches but the route is easy to follow.  Distance about 12-14 kms taking more or less about 2hrs 30m.

This is a pack run with regular regroups, we will split into speed groups with leaders and sweeps on the morning. Felicity and Neil will take the Relaxed group.

Please note that  K-Way VOB club rules do not permit dogs on our runs.

What to bring
Water, whistle, warm/windproof top depending on weather, space blanket, ICE ID - either on your phone, bracelet/tag, card in your backpack.

Important: Please remember to look behind you at every turn in the route to make sure the people behind you see which way you are going.   
Leaders of each group will ensure that no-one is left behind. Please keep the groups together and ensure that no-one is left on their own.

See you all there!


Warning:  Trail running is inherently more dangerous than road running.  It may take place over uneven hazard strewn trails in exposed and often remote terrain where help is not always readily available.

Participation is voluntary and entirely at your own risk as although the organizers take reasonable precautions to ensure runner safety, it cannot be guaranteed.  To this end neither the Club nor the organisers personally can be held liable for any claims relating to inter alia, injuries, disabilities and death. Further any minor child participating in any trail running activity will be deemed to be doing so with the consent of his or her guardian.

By starting out on a trail run you explicitly acknowledge that:
1] you understand the associated risks involved and accept full responsibility for your own safety.
2] you are medically and physically fit to participate and
3] are carrying the necessary water, clothing and safety equipment required for the particular run.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Table Mountain Trailers" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
To view this discussion on the web, visit

Friday 21 February 2020

RE: TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS: Saturday 22 February 2020 - Kalk Bay to Silvermine East

Happy Friday!



Our run tomorrow is ON!

Weather forecast predicts some possible light drizzle with a gentle breeze so please come prepared.

It should be perfect running weather!


See you at Kalk Bay Station parking at 6:25am


082 893 8617


From: <>
Sent: Monday, 17 February 2020 11:59
To: 'tmtrailers' <>
Subject: TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS: Saturday 22 February 2020 - Kalk Bay to Silvermine East


Hi Trailers!


This Saturday we return to Silvermine East for the first time this year. It's time to get back on to our well-loved trails


We meet at Kalk Bay station parking

From there we cross Main Road and go up the never ending stairs to Boyes Drive.  We cross Boyes Drive and go up Weary Willy's stairs. At Weary Willy's waiting spot we go straight up Echo Valley. At the junction at the top we turn left and right to follow Dead Man's path down and around Klein Tuinkop.

We continue along the jeep track and cross the top of the waterfall, turning right at the next jeep track junction. We run along this for a short while before turning left on to a single track which takes us to the jeep track at Junction pool.

We turn right and immediately left on to another jeep track, turning right on to single track after 500m. We cross the next jeep track and wind our way past Tartarus cave before turning down Spes Bona Valley, back to Weary Willy's and home .


There are a number of different routes and options so this is just a guide for a route around 12km. The groups will make their own democratic/autocratic decisions


Rendezvous and start time
Meet at
6:25am at Kalk Bay station parking to sign in. We start running at 6:30am


Terrain and distance
Single track and jeep tracks. Uphill at the start then flowing undulating running to get back

The route above is around 12km but there are options for longer and shorter options 

This is a pack run with regular regroups, we will split into speed groups with leaders and sweeps on the morning. 

The relaxed group will be confirmed on Friday

Please note that  K-Way VOB club rules do not permit dogs on our runs.


What to bring
Water, whistle, warm/windproof top depending on weather, space blanket, ICE ID - either on your phone, bracelet/tag, card in your backpack.

ImportantPlease remember to look behind you at every turn in the route to make sure the people behind you see which way you are going.   
Leaders of each group will ensure that no-one is left behind. Please keep the groups together and ensure that no-one is left on their own. 


See you there!



Warning:  Trail running is inherently more dangerous than road running.  It may take place over uneven hazard strewn trails in exposed and often remote terrain where help is not always readily available.

Participation is voluntary and entirely at your own risk as although the organizers take reasonable precautions to ensure runner safety, it cannot be guaranteed.  To this end neither the Club nor the organisers personally can be held liable for any claims relating to inter alia, injuries, disabilities and death. Further any minor child participating in any trail running activity will be deemed to be doing so with the consent of his or her guardian.

By starting out on a trail run you explicitly acknowledge that: 
1] you understand the associated risks involved and accept full responsibility for your own safety. 
2] you are medically and physically fit to participate and 
3] are carrying the necessary water, clothing and safety equipment required for the particular run.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Table Mountain Trailers" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
To view this discussion on the web, visit

Monday 17 February 2020

TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS: Saturday 22 February 2020 - Kalk Bay to Silvermine East

Hi Trailers!


This Saturday we return to Silvermine East for the first time this year. It's time to get back on to our well-loved trails


We meet at Kalk Bay station parking

From there we cross Main Road and go up the never ending stairs to Boyes Drive.  We cross Boyes Drive and go up Weary Willy's stairs. At Weary Willy's waiting spot we go straight up Echo Valley. At the junction at the top we turn left and right to follow Dead Man's path down and around Klein Tuinkop.

We continue along the jeep track and cross the top of the waterfall, turning right at the next jeep track junction. We run along this for a short while before turning left on to a single track which takes us to the jeep track at Junction pool.

We turn right and immediately left on to another jeep track, turning right on to single track after 500m. We cross the next jeep track and wind our way past Tartarus cave before turning down Spes Bona Valley, back to Weary Willy's and home .


There are a number of different routes and options so this is just a guide for a route around 12km. The groups will make their own democratic/autocratic decisions


Rendezvous and start time
Meet at
6:25am at Kalk Bay station parking to sign in. We start running at 6:30am


Terrain and distance
Single track and jeep tracks. Uphill at the start then flowing undulating running to get back

The route above is around 12km but there are options for longer and shorter options 

This is a pack run with regular regroups, we will split into speed groups with leaders and sweeps on the morning. 

The relaxed group will be confirmed on Friday

Please note that  K-Way VOB club rules do not permit dogs on our runs.


What to bring
Water, whistle, warm/windproof top depending on weather, space blanket, ICE ID - either on your phone, bracelet/tag, card in your backpack.

ImportantPlease remember to look behind you at every turn in the route to make sure the people behind you see which way you are going.   
Leaders of each group will ensure that no-one is left behind. Please keep the groups together and ensure that no-one is left on their own. 


See you there!



Warning:  Trail running is inherently more dangerous than road running.  It may take place over uneven hazard strewn trails in exposed and often remote terrain where help is not always readily available.

Participation is voluntary and entirely at your own risk as although the organizers take reasonable precautions to ensure runner safety, it cannot be guaranteed.  To this end neither the Club nor the organisers personally can be held liable for any claims relating to inter alia, injuries, disabilities and death. Further any minor child participating in any trail running activity will be deemed to be doing so with the consent of his or her guardian.

By starting out on a trail run you explicitly acknowledge that: 
1] you understand the associated risks involved and accept full responsibility for your own safety. 
2] you are medically and physically fit to participate and 
3] are carrying the necessary water, clothing and safety equipment required for the particular run.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Table Mountain Trailers" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
To view this discussion on the web, visit

Saturday 15 February 2020

TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS: Constantia Village 15km Water Table

Hi Trailers,


If you haven't already signed up with Liz to marshall at the CV15 this year, there is still a fabulous opportunity to help out and become part of the crew.


Tim and Gaeleen are organising the 10km mark water table and would love to add you to their dynamic team. The date is Saturday 7 March 2020 and there will be no official Trailers' run that day to cloud your decision. 


The 10km mark is in a new spot this year because there is a route change.  It is on the corner of Airlie Place where the runners will come off the greenbelt that runs between Airlie Place and Welgelee Road i.e. the greenbelt runs from Firgrove Way to Spaanschemat River Road.  So it's a nice, low stress spot and no marshalling is required.


All you need to do to be part of the action is:

  • be there at about 05h45 – preferably in your TMT t-shirt 😊
  • fill coke cups for the runners and hand out water
  • scream and shout and remind them they only have 5kms to go
  • ensure that every speck of plastic (even the little corners the runners chew off) is picked up and binned
  • help pack away the tables and left over sachets, etc.
  • pat yourself on the back and go and have a well earned coffee.


Of course, there's nothing stopping you from heading off for a trot through the Constantia greenbelts or Tokai Forest after you've seen the last road runner plodding through the water table. You should be done and dusted by about 9am.


Please let us know if you'd like to be part of creating the coolest vibe!


Email:;, or simply reply to this email.


Thank you all.


Friday 14 February 2020

TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS - Saturday 15th Feb 2020


Happy Friday Trailers!


Our run tomorrow is ON.


My weather tells me that it is going to be a warm day, with 18 km SSE winds to start.  The high is 27 so please come prepared with lots of water.


There will be NO relaxed group.


Sunrise is at 6.21am.  See you all then!


Watch the Relive video of our route here:










From: <> On Behalf Of Debbie Slabbert
Sent: 10 February 2020 03:11 PM
Subject: TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS - Saturday 15th Feb 2020 - Up Woody Ravine - Tranquility - Down Corridor


Hi all Trailers!


This week we go back up on to Table Mountain from the pipetrack side but we will start from Theresa Ave in Camps Bay. 





We start at Theresa Ave (see below for directions) and climb up to meet the pipetrack.  From here we turn right and run along the pipetrack to Woody Ravine. After a steep climb up Woody, we will head to Tranquility Cracks.  There are various options down, but the suggested route is down Corridoor.





We meet at Theresa Ave in Camps Bay at 6.30am.  Please arrive by 6.20am for sign-in and run briefing.


Terrain and distance:


This is mostly single track with a bit a of jeep track at the start and end. Some steepish climbs (😊) and descents, but well worth the views. The distance is 8km and there are ample routes for those who want extra distance.



Coming from town, pass the turnoff to the cable car and continue down towards Camps Bay, taking the 3rd road to the left (Fiskaal Road). Follow this road up the hill - it becomes Francolin Ave and then Theresa Ave. Parking at the entrance is limited so park along the sea side of the road as far as possible taking care not to block any resident' s driveways or entrances. Please ensure that your car is facing the correct direction.



Remember to bring:


Water, Whistle, Warm/windproof/rain top, ICE information and a snack.



This is a pack run so we are to look out for each other and ensure that the person behind knows we have turned.

We regroup frequently to ensure that everyone sticks together.

We will hopefully have three groups – fast, medium and a relaxed group.  This will be confirmed on Friday.


Unfortunately no dogs allowed on our runs.


Look forward to seeing you all on Saturday.

For any queries, please whatsapp me.








*If you are new to this group, please read Table Mountain Trailers' guidelines here:

 K-Way VOB Trail Run Warning: Trail running is inherently more dangerous than road running. It may take place over uneven hazard strewn trails in exposed and often remote terrain where help is not always readily available.

Participation is voluntary and entirely at your own risk as although the organizers take reasonable precautions to ensure runner safety, it cannot be guaranteed. To this end neither the Club nor the organisers personally can be held liable for any claims relating to inter alia, injuries, disabilities and death. Further any minor child participating in any trail running activity will be deemed to be doing so with the consent of his or her guardian.

By starting out on a trail run you explicitly acknowledge that:

1] you understand the associated risks involved and accept full responsibility for your own safety.

2] you are medically and physically fit to participate and

3] are carrying the necessary water, clothing and safety equipment required for the particular run.







You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Table Mountain Trailers" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
To view this discussion on the web, visit

Monday 10 February 2020

TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS - Saturday 15th Feb 2020 - Up Woody Ravine - Tranquility - Down Corridor

Hi all Trailers!


This week we go back up on to Table Mountain from the pipetrack side but we will start from Theresa Ave in Camps Bay. 





We start at Theresa Ave (see below for directions) and climb up to meet the pipetrack.  From here we turn right and run along the pipetrack to Woody Ravine. After a steep climb up Woody, we will head to Tranquility Cracks.  There are various options down, but the suggested route is down Corridoor.





We meet at Theresa Ave in Camps Bay at 6.30am.  Please arrive by 6.20am for sign-in and run briefing.


Terrain and distance:


This is mostly single track with a bit a of jeep track at the start and end. Some steepish climbs (😊) and descents, but well worth the views. The distance is 8km and there are ample routes for those who want extra distance.


Watch the Relive video of our route here:




Coming from town, pass the turnoff to the cable car and continue down towards Camps Bay, taking the 3rd road to the left (Fiskaal Road). Follow this road up the hill - it becomes Francolin Ave and then Theresa Ave. Parking at the entrance is limited so park along the sea side of the road as far as possible taking care not to block any resident' s driveways or entrances. Please ensure that your car is facing the correct direction.



Remember to bring:


Water, Whistle, Warm/windproof/rain top, ICE information and a snack.



This is a pack run so we are to look out for each other and ensure that the person behind knows we have turned.

We regroup frequently to ensure that everyone sticks together.

We will hopefully have three groups – fast, medium and a relaxed group.  This will be confirmed on Friday.


Unfortunately no dogs allowed on our runs.


Look forward to seeing you all on Saturday.

For any queries, please whatsapp me.








*If you are new to this group, please read Table Mountain Trailers' guidelines here:

 K-Way VOB Trail Run Warning: Trail running is inherently more dangerous than road running. It may take place over uneven hazard strewn trails in exposed and often remote terrain where help is not always readily available.

Participation is voluntary and entirely at your own risk as although the organizers take reasonable precautions to ensure runner safety, it cannot be guaranteed. To this end neither the Club nor the organisers personally can be held liable for any claims relating to inter alia, injuries, disabilities and death. Further any minor child participating in any trail running activity will be deemed to be doing so with the consent of his or her guardian.

By starting out on a trail run you explicitly acknowledge that:

1] you understand the associated risks involved and accept full responsibility for your own safety.

2] you are medically and physically fit to participate and

3] are carrying the necessary water, clothing and safety equipment required for the particular run.







TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS - Saturday 15th Feb 2020 - Up Woody Ravine - Tranquility - Down Corridor


Hi all Trailers!


This week we go back up on to Table Mountain from the pipetrack side but we will start from Theresa Ave in Camps Bay. 





We start at Theresa Ave (see below for directions) and climb up to meet the pipetrack.  From here we turn right and run along the pipetrack to Woody Ravine. After a steep climb up Woody, we will head to Tranquility Cracks.  There are various options down, but the suggested route is down Corridoor.





We meet at Theresa Ave in Camps Bay at 6.30am.  Please arrive by 6.20am for sign-in and run briefing.


Terrain and distance:


This is mostly single track with a bit a of jeep track at the start and end. Some steepish climbs (😊) and descents, but well worth the views. The distance is 8km and there are ample routes for those who want extra distance.


Watch the Relive video of our route here:




Coming from town, pass the turnoff to the cable car and continue down towards Camps Bay, taking the 3rd road to the left (Fiskaal Road). Follow this road up the hill - it becomes Francolin Ave and then Theresa Ave. Parking at the entrance is limited so park along the sea side of the road as far as possible taking care not to block any resident' s driveways or entrances. Please ensure that your car is facing the correct direction.



Remember to bring:


Water, Whistle, Warm/windproof/rain top, ICE information and a snack.



This is a pack run so we are to look out for each other and ensure that the person behind knows we have turned.

We regroup frequently to ensure that everyone sticks together.

We will hopefully have three groups – fast, medium and a relaxed group.  This will be confirmed on Friday.


Unfortunately no dogs are allowed on our runs.


Look forward to seeing you all on Saturday.

For any queries, please whatsapp me.








*If you are new to this group, please read Table Mountain Trailers' guidelines here:

 K-Way VOB Trail Run Warning: Trail running is inherently more dangerous than road running. It may take place over uneven hazard strewn trails in exposed and often remote terrain where help is not always readily available.

Participation is voluntary and entirely at your own risk as although the organizers take reasonable precautions to ensure runner safety, it cannot be guaranteed. To this end neither the Club nor the organisers personally can be held liable for any claims relating to inter alia, injuries, disabilities and death. Further any minor child participating in any trail running activity will be deemed to be doing so with the consent of his or her guardian.

By starting out on a trail run you explicitly acknowledge that:

1] you understand the associated risks involved and accept full responsibility for your own safety.

2] you are medically and physically fit to participate and

3] are carrying the necessary water, clothing and safety equipment required for the particular run.








TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS - Saturday 15th Feb 2020 - Up Woody Ravine - Tranquility - Down Corridor


Hi all Trailers!


This week we go back up on to Table Mountain from the pipetrack side but we will start from Theresa Ave in Camps Bay. 





We start at Theresa Ave (see below for directions) and climb up to meet the pipetrack.  From here we turn right and run along the pipetrack to Woody Ravine. After a steep climb up Woody, we will head to Tranquility Cracks.  There are various options down, but the suggested route is down Corridoor.





We meet at Theresa Ave in Camps Bay at 6.30am.  Please arrive by 6.20am for sign-in and run briefing.


Terrain and distance:


This is mostly single track with a bit a of jeep track at the start and end. Some steepish climbs (😊) and descents, but well worth the views. The distance is 8km and there are ample routes for those who want extra distance.




Coming from town, pass the turnoff to the cable car and continue down towards Camps Bay, taking the 3rd road to the left (Fiskaal Road). Follow this road up the hill - it becomes Francolin Ave and then Theresa Ave. Parking at the entrance is limited so park along the sea side of the road as far as possible taking care not to block any resident' s driveways or entrances. Please ensure that your car is facing the correct direction.



Remember to bring:


Water, Whistle, Warm/windproof/rain top, ICE information and a snack.



This is a pack run so we are to look out for each other and ensure that the person behind knows we have turned.

We will have three groups – fast, medium and a relaxed group.  This will be confirmed on Friday.


Unfortunately no dogs allowed on our runs.


Look forward to seeing you all on Saturday.

For any queries, please whatsapp me.








*If you are new to this group, please read Table Mountain Trailers' guidelines here:

 K-Way VOB Trail Run Warning: Trail running is inherently more dangerous than road running. It may take place over uneven hazard strewn trails in exposed and often remote terrain where help is not always readily available.

Participation is voluntary and entirely at your own risk as although the organizers take reasonable precautions to ensure runner safety, it cannot be guaranteed. To this end neither the Club nor the organisers personally can be held liable for any claims relating to inter alia, injuries, disabilities and death. Further any minor child participating in any trail running activity will be deemed to be doing so with the consent of his or her guardian.

By starting out on a trail run you explicitly acknowledge that:

1] you understand the associated risks involved and accept full responsibility for your own safety.

2] you are medically and physically fit to participate and

3] are carrying the necessary water, clothing and safety equipment required for the particular run.









From: Relive <>
Sent: 10 February 2020 10:35 AM
Subject: Relive Up Woody Ravine - Tranquility - Down Corridor



Have fun watching and sharing your Relive video 


Here it is.

Good job on 'Up Woody Ravine - Tranquility - Down Corridor'! We made an unforgettable video, starring you! Have fun watching and sharing it :)




Team Relive






Sent with from The Netherlands

You receive this mail, because you signed up for Relive. Manage your email settings


Friday 7 February 2020

FW: TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS Nest Run Saturday 8th February - Red Disa run IMPORTANT CHANGE

Hi All




We are going to start our run 10 mins earlier (there are other groups doing the same route and we'd like to get ahead)


See details below for route description and meeting point.


All of our pace groups running tomorrow


See you in the morning





Brief Description of Route

From the Constantia Neck parking,  up the single track past the 'Bailiff cottage'.  From here there will be a few options to get to the Aqueducts.  Your leader of the day will choose the route.  We hope to all meet at the aqueducts to see and photograph the red disas.

Rendezvous and Start Time

RV in the Constantia Neck parking opposite the Constantia Neck restaurant, - in time to start running at 06h20 (please come at least 10 mins earlier to allow time for signing the register and for the pre-run brief)  Just for fun – wear something red

Terrain and Distance

The usual uphill start up the single track up to the 'Bailiff cottage' .  Thereafter, good and easy single and Jeep tracks .   More or less 14 km taking in the region of about 3.0 hoursPlease note this is a pack run, and we will divide into a few pace groups on the day with a leader and a sweep chosen per group,

Please take note of the longer time for this route

How to get there?

From the Constantia side head up towards Hout Bay. At the circle, go three-quarters round and park at the Constantia Neck parking opposite the Constantia Neck restaurant.

Please make sure to bring enough water ie. minimum 1.5L for the duration of the run. Also ensure you carry a warm/windproof top and a whistle.  Also please carry some form of ICE details


K-Way VOB does not allow dogs on our runs



Have a great week



(083 55 696 79)

K-Way VOB's Medium Distance Trail Group

Blog: <>
Warning: Trail running is inherently more dangerous than road running.  It takes place over uneven hazard strewn trails in exposed and often remote terrain where help is not always readily available.  
Participation is voluntary and entirely at your own risk as although the organizers take reasonable precautions to ensure runner safety, it cannot be guaranteed.  To this end neither the Club nor the organisers personally can be held liable for any claims relating to inter alia, injuries, disabilities and death.
Further any minor child participating in any trail running activity will be deemed to be doing so with the consent of his or her guardian.
By starting out on a trail run you explicitly acknowledge that: 1] you understand the associated risks involved and accept full responsibility for your own safety. 2] you are medically and physically fit to participate and 3] are carrying the necessary water, clothing and safety equipment required for the particular run.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Table Mountain Trailers" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
To view this discussion on the web, visit