Monday 27 February 2012

Feedback: 25 Feb; Noordhoek Peak run

The long fast group finally catch-up with us

At Noordhoek Peak

Looking down into Hout Bay

The last of the clouds

Uphill all the way!

Julien explaining To "Sir Tim" how he overshot

Distance 13.5 Km

Sunday 19 February 2012

Feedback 18th Feb: Rhodes Memorial

Twenty of us found ourselves locked out of  Rhodes Memorial.  The gate leading up to the parking area is now only unlocked at 0730 so  we simply started our run from the old zoo parking area.

Fortunately there was a bit of a breeze blowing as the morning was showing signs of becoming hot and humid as we made our way through deer park and up to the blockhouse.    All in all an uneventful run except for Mariette who managed a resounding full frontal on the contour path, fortunately, despite being somewhat dazed no damage detected.

Congratulations to one of our most regular runners Mike Hart who clocked up his 25th sortie with us and so becomes eligible to wear our Red Tee shirt.

Bronwyn Clark, Trish Swanepoel and Mariette Flint have now completed 10 runs so well done to the three of them.

We had two newcomers Jeanette and Christian who we hope will return and we welcomed back Trish Swanepoel who has been off running for a few months due to injury.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Feedback: Saturday 11 February

drizzle to start with     
 Despite the prospect of rain 20 turned out for our run.   We almost had 4 less as a certain V did not read the e-mail and directed their car driver to the wrong car-park!   Luckily her error was corrected just in time. Given that we were to try out a new and precipitous route which would be somewhat tougher and longer than usual we split into two groups-
 a flatter/shorter/easier group led by Fay and the rest who opted for the high road. 

At the foot of the ascent up Kasteelspoort the groups parted company and we headed uphill. 

Initially it was overcast with low cloud and some drizzle but as we got higher the weather improved.  

We regrouped at the 

the flat rock overlooking Camps bay and then more fast hiking upwards.

As we emerged out of the ravine the sun came out and we proceeded along the trail southwards.  Later we ran into Deon Middlekoop and group who were heading in the opposite direction.   Quick photo opportunity not to be missed.

After running some way it struck me that we had overshot our next waypoint.  A quick check of the GPS confirmed the navigation error so we turned about and had to run back about 600m.    My apologies.

More uphill
Having found the top of Corridor ravine it was then downhill.  Dave showed the way with some impressive slipping and sliding bumwork!

Having regained the pipe track without too muck hassle it was a good run back to the car park. 

Altogether 14kms taking us just over 3hrs moving time but closer to 3hrs 40 with stops and regroups.  

Certainly one of our more robust routes but one we can revisit in future. 

At the top of Kasteels looking out over te South Atlantic Ocean
This was also Fay Linder's 25th sortie with us so she is now entitled to wear the prized Rd Tee shirt.  Well done Fay and thank you for all your sterling work with the slower runners. 

And welcome to an Australian visitor  Jessica Privett,  Hope you will join us again before you head off to Angola. 

The dreaded Blister Bush

Regroup with Deon Middelkoop and partners

Slip & Slide down Corridor

The allure of Trail Running!

Sunday 5 February 2012

Feedback: Sat 4 February

What with the flu lurgy taking its toll and the Lion of Africa half marathon gobbling up more, we had a reduced turn-out of only 12 for this run.
Fay led her team off on the lower course and the rest of us made our way up the shortcuts to intersect the jeep-track and then to everyone's surprise downhill to the lookout point and trail leading down to Spilhaus ravine.
Then we followed the undulating trail around Cecilia and Rooikat ravines onto the contour path above Kirstenbosch to Skeleton Gorge.  Here we turned back and after a minor "relocation" at the Dam made our way back through Cecila Forest to the parking area.   Fortunately we encountered a cooling breeze on the way back.

Proof of the power of the pen: Lauren who was taking her time in getting into the spirit of the event later admitted that desperately wanting to turn back on the uphill, she was terrified of what I might say on our Blog so she hung in.  Eventually i last saw her cantering along  with Neil and the front runners seemingly without a care in the world.   Miniscule drama as Elaine took a minor tumble but no blood so it will not count.

Altogether 10.1 Kms with a running time of 2hrs and 20 mins.  Photos on the Blog site

Congratulations to Kim Wright who completed her tenth run with our group and so joins the Decurions.

Take care out there and hope to see you again next week.
