Monday, 22 April 2013

Feedback: Sat 27 April, Devil's Peak

Sunrise over the City Bowl
Altogether 26 turned up on a beautiful autumn morning to try out a  new route which would take us to the top of Devil's peak.  Paul assisted by Niel as sweep led out the main group whilst we in the Recovery Group followed on the long climb first up to the saddle then on to the top of Devil's peak.   Having got there before us we passed the Main group coming down from the peak and we could not help noticing the variety of brightly coloured Trail shoes worn by these faster trailers.

Overlooking the Cape Flats towards Cape Hangklip
All groups returned after a very long but scenic outing, having elected to return via Tafelberg road due to time constraints.  Probably the toughest route yet with a lot more slow climbing than anticipated.

The Main Group covered  11.5 Km in 3 hours plus while the Recovery Group did 8kms in 3hrs 40.

Many thanks to Paul Bruwer for leading and Neil Garbers doing the important job of sweep.

Congratulations to Allison Lamb for completing her 25th run with Table Mountain Trailers she is now eligible to wear the coveted Red Tee shirt.  and to Trish Smith who normally goes with the walkers but today joined the Recovery group for her tenth sortie earning her the advantage of our speed check in!

Photographs by Lorraine and Alan with a small contribution from me..

Allison has something to shout about

On top Devil's Peak

Megan, Trish, Veronica and Felicity at the top

On the way up with Lion's head in background

The long climb up 

Table Bay

The top at last!

The scary way down

Monday, 15 April 2013

Feedback: Sat 20th April Tokai Scenic Route

Saturday 20th   April 2013: Tokai Forest Scenic Route

Not much to report other than all groups had an enjoyable run with the Main Group covering about 14kms  thanks to Thomas Andrew and Dave Bywater for leading them without going too far off track.

Sorry no photos received other than the two I took. 

Last week both Chantal Illiffe and Paul Bruwer ran their tenth sortie so join the Decurions and become eligible for the Speed check in.  Congratulations to both.

And this week congratulations to Jane le Roux who completed her 25th run and is now entitled to wear a our special Red tee shirt.

What you can see from Level 5

Recovery Group

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Report back; Sat 6 April: Silvermine NW

Saturday 6th April 2013: Silvermine NW Scenic Circular Route

This is Cape Town with its unpredictable weather!   Having anticipated a fine autumn run along the scenic trails in Silvermine we arrived at the start in good time but in heavy mist and a sprinkling of light rain.

We sorted ourselves into the three groups as usual and Richard led out the Main group at a fine pace.    Knowing we would soon loose sight of them they probably slowed down shortly thereafter.

Fay took her large walking group off next and that left the Recovery group to follow on.   Once up on Steenberg Ridge our hopes were raised that the weather would clear as the sun came out and the cloud base lifted.   But it was not to be and we continued to emulate Gorillas in the mist.
Main group coverd 11kms Recovery group 9kms and Fay's walking group 6ms

Recovery group 

This was the last decent view we had!

A very wet spider

Mist and more mist

Main group at the Blackburn lookout platform

Route followed by Main Group
With thanks to Richard for so ably leading the Main group though the mist,  Gae for sweeping to ensure no-one got lost and to Alan for the photographs.