Monday, 30 May 2011

Feedback Saturday 28th May: Constantia Nek

For practical reasons the Walk/Run group were the only Acsis-VOB trail group to venture out this Saturday.  Despite the cold and threatening rain we were joined by many from the other groups so in all 29 of us set out for the run through to Kirstenbosch.  At this point the weather was good and the optimistic thought we might get away and avoid the rain.

We followed the lower route and then cut down to the path that runs just above Rhodes Drive to the Cecilia Forest parking area.  From the gate we ran down to the Rycroft gate with two lost dogs in tow.  These lonely mutts were incarcerated in the toilets at the gate in the hope that their owners would eventually ask after them there.

We then took the upper path around the gardens and up Smuts track steps to the foot of Skeleton Gorge where we mustered around the steps for the customary group photo.  Thereafter we split with the slower group returning via the contour path and the faster group going onto Fernwood Ravine before turning back.

The threatened rain finally caught us on the homewood leg but spirits were high and no-one seemed too put out.  All in all an enjoyable run.  Fast group covering 12 ks and the slow group 11 ks.

This week's Jungle Joe award goes to Pat who decided to get better acquainted with the roots of a passing tree by executing a sideways pirouette with spectacular grace.  Later it was noted that a certain male runner  bumped into a former girl friend.

That's it for this week........Peter 

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