Sunday 18 March 2012

Saturday 17 March: Two Oceans 10km Trail Route

We had 31 runners who turned out for our practice run over what we hope will be the Two Oceans 10k route.
A few navigational wobbles here and there but overall the GPS track indicates that other than a slight deviation at the start and on the final leg we were on the right track for most of the time.  well done Julian.

At the old ruins when some decided to go uphill whereas the route was down hill  Craig who has a tendency to "mislead" the front runners on occasion was heard to say  "Not me I wasn't  near the front".  A good run in perfect trail running weather.

Congratulations to Ralph Solomon; Hayley Scholtz and Lauren Tarling who having completed their tenth sortie with us so  now join the Decurions and can take advantage of our speed check in.

TM Trailers Tee shirts.  See photo left

For those of you who have not yet ordered you tee shirt and would like to do so, please contact me as our final order will be placed shortly.

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