Monday, 1 August 2016

FEEDBACK: TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS Saturday 6 August 2016: Silvermine South-East Fat Lady Cave Loop

Saturday 6 August 2016:  Silvermine South-East, Fat Lady Cave Loop 

This morning we had 36 trailers turn up for the later start to find a cool clear blue sky morning with no wind.

As customary we set off in our three groups but this time our route was/is probably unique in that we started off downhill for 2km and then finished off downhill for about 1.5kms.  All groups had uneventful runs and because we have not run this route for some time we had some concerns about navigating around Kalk Bay peak. Fortunately the trails were easily identified and all was well.

The Fast group did 12kms; the Medium group 9.5km and the Slow group 8.6km, all in about 2hrs.

We welcomed back Catherine Granelli  who has not run with us for some time.

At the finish back at the car park we saw Tamsyn appear out of the bush. She was running late, just missed our start and so set off to catch up but went the wrong way round. She passed the Fast group but continued her own sortie in the reverse direction.

Special Mentions.
  • Marg Tierney competed her 50th sortie and so can don a green tee.
  • Nora Miller did her 25th sortie so now can ditch her faded green garb and can wear a proper TMT Red tee.
  • Vanessa Wium, Belinda Mc Fadzean and Marge van Vuuren all competed 10 sorties so move up to the Speed Check-in on the Start Register

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