There was chaos in the morning as trailers making their way to HoutBay to start at East Fort were turned back as roads were closed due to violent protests. HoutBay was a no-go zone.
The WhatsApp group pinged non-stop with warnings, suggestions and general concern. Eventually a decision was made to re-group at Constantia Nek.
A reasonably-sized group of cold runners gathered together to discuss routes. Even our American visitor had made it - the Uber driver fortuitously picking Joanne to ask for directions!
In the end Geoff took the fast group, including Scott from America, on a 3 hour tour of the mountain, Tim took a section of the medium group on a flattish contour path run, Theo took a small medium group on a hillier route and Nora took the slower group on an out and back contour path jog.
Theo's group ran along the contour path to Rooikat Ravine, clambered up the Rooikat steps and then turned up Cecilia Ravine to puff and scramble up to the Overseer's hut. Despite the elapsed time and screaming leg muscles, we then did a short out and back detour along Smut's track before turning back and running back down to the cars via the shortcuts.
The other medium group and the slower group had already finished, but there was no sign of the fast group. The traffic at the circle was a nightmare as traffic officers turned everyone back, so we went for coffee at La Parada to wait it out.
Eventually Geoff led his band of runners back to the cars, having explored the mountain and thoroughly impressing Scott who announced that it was his best trail run ever!
Despite the earlier chaos, it was a beautiful day to be out on the mountain!
Poor Allison, the appointed leader, had arrived in Hout Bay early from town. Due to all routes out being closed, she and Mark climbed Chapman's Peak and eventually got home at 1pm...