A pleasantly warm Saturday morning saw 29 Trailers gathered outside the Toad on the Road, bent on tackling a brand new route for TMT…: Muizenberg Peak from Lakeside.

Upon reaching the neck between Muizenberg and Lower Steenberg peaks, the Slower Group (leader, Nora) voted on a change of pace and headed immediately out onto the plateau, meanwhile the Medium Group managed to reach the summit, albeit with lots of panting, grumbling, photo taking, posing and soaking in the view.

From their vantage point atop the Muizenberg, the Mediums caught a glimpse of the Fast Group out on the plateau. At this point run organiser Theo watched with concern, hoping that the Fasties would be able to follow his somewhat intricately detailed route description without resorting to any…more creative…interpretations.

From their vantage point atop the Muizenberg, the Mediums caught a glimpse of the Fast Group out on the plateau. At this point run organiser Theo watched with concern, hoping that the Fasties would be able to follow his somewhat intricately detailed route description without resorting to any…more creative…interpretations.
“Left! Left!”
With much delight the Mediums looked on as, with hardly a spot of hesitation, they turned left as one and sped on towards St James Peak. Applause followed.
After the customary Group photo the Mediums proceeded down to the top of Peck’s Valley where they rejoined the Slower Group.
After some debate, the Slower Group decided to head back down to the Toad, with one unnamed gentleman echoing the general sentiment of the group in declaring his sudden strong aversion to uphills…

The Mediums in turn took some more photos at the old Silver Mine, St James Peak and Muizenberg Cave, interspersed by some lovely flowing running.

Meanwhile the Fasties managed to avoid the congestion, proceeding swiftly to St James Peak and Higher Steenberg Peak, before heading back along their unmapped and unmarked path hugging the outer edge of the Steenberg.
The Fast Group completed the 13.4km route in a blistering 2h07, not getting lost and achieving all three summits.
The Medium Group completed 10.6km in 2h30 after enjoying a lovely morning out on the hill, and achieving 2 of their 3 objectives.
The Slower Group completed the 7.3km in 2h15 and enjoyed a lovely new route with some good cardio.
Theo Smith
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