Monday 29 July 2024

TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS Saturday 03 August 2024: Cecilia Forest (Take 2)

Happy Monday Trailers

Looks like we have some "non-rainy" days this week 🤞 so we're going to try for Cecilia Forest again 😁

Route details
Starting from the Cecilia Forest parking we'll warm up through the cork forest parallel to the road until just above Southern Cross drive.  We won't go as far as the Constantia Nek jeep track boom but rather stay on the track as it loops back towards Cecilia parking. At the fork keep left and stick to the jeep track running above the SANParks compound until the "big tree" intersection where we can decide whether to go up via Cecilia Waterfall or continue on the contour path towards Kirstenbosch until we see the Cecilia Ravine sign where we turn left up a steep set of steps.
The Cecilia Ridge path starts near the highest point on the path and after some fun "easy" (depending on rain damage) scrambling and regular pauses to admire the spectacular view, we'll pop out on the concrete path with the Overseers Cottage to our right.  From here the long group can opt for an extension to the dams whilst the relaxed group will head back down on the Constantia Neck Jeep Track.
At the first look-out point chicane we'll leave the jeep track and follow the single track down through the trees across the trail path (don't turn left back to Cecilia waterfall) but continue on the single track through the trees until we join back up on the jeep track that will take us down to our cars. 
Please bring your sense of adventure as the route may change depending on damage caused by the weather as well as weather conditions on the day. 
This is a social pack run led by committee with plenty of opportunities for photographs, and its important that we look out for each other!
Inline image

Rendezvous and Start Time

RV in the Cecilia Forest car park at 07:20 sign-in to start running 07:30

Please remember to support the car guard.

Terrain and Distance

A mix of jeep track, single track and light scramble, with plenty of UP.

Distance: +- 10kms Relaxed Group, the longer group will extend on the day.

Walking group will be confirmed in Fridays mail.

*Please note adjustments to the route may be made whilst running depending on the group and weather conditions. Remember to check Friday's email just in case there are changes.

What to bring  

Water, whistle, warm/windproof top, rain jacket - weather dependent, space blanket, ICE ID - either on your phone, bracelet/tag, card in your backpack.

Please make sure that you are carrying the right equipment, enough food and water.

ImportantPlease remember to look behind you at every turn in the route to make sure the people behind you see which way you are going.  Please keep together and ensure that no-one is left on their own. 

PS  Sorry no dogs allowed on VOB runs

Have a great week!


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