Friday, 26 February 2016

FEEDBACK: TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS - Saturday 27 February 2016 – Cape Point Nature Reserve. From Buffels Baai round Kanonkop

A small group of 14 runners gathered at Buffels Bay in Cape Point National Park before sunrise on a perfect day. We watched an awesome sunrise and then set off to Kanonkop. Gregg took off with the Fast runners and Neil led a gaggle of 7 chatty girls in the Medium group. 

What a beautiful run! We saw a herd of eland, ran with some bontebok and had an ostrich stride in front of us for a while. The views are spectacular and the weather couldn't have been better. A swim in the tidal pool ended the morning for some brave souls!

The Medium group did 8.78kms in 1h43 and the Fast group did 11.7 in 1h55.


Photos by Liz Brash, Jo Boswell and Lorraine Nevin


Thursday, 18 February 2016

FEEDBACK: TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS TMT sortie Saturday 20th February -Constantia Greenbelts

This run was in our back yard and the weather was perfect - yet the turnout was very small. All the promised newbies and returners failed to show, leaving a core group of 21 stalwarts. 

Sadly nobody took photos either, but the scenery was beautifully verdant and the company good.
All in all, a pleasant jog in the garden taking just about an hour and a half for both the Fast and the Medium groups, with distances of 12.7 and 10.5 kms respectively. The Medium Group Ten ran to the Cecilia Waterfall and the Fast Group Nine continuing up at a speedier pace to the top contour path before heading back to the start. There were two Slower group ladies, chaperoned most elegantly by Peter in his chariot.

- Lorraine

Friday, 12 February 2016

FEEDBACK: TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS Saturday 13 February 2016 - Valentine's Red Disa Run

Saturday 13 February 2016  –  Valentine's Red Disa Run – Constantia Nek, Reservoirs, Aqueducts back via the Smuts track

There were 31 runners this week on the hunt for the Red Disa - and we were not disappointed! It was nice to have a few newbies this week, including Marion from France (tagged on the facebook page if you'd like to keep in touch).

The Fast group did 12.8 km, a similar distance to the Medium group, but they had a more technical run.  Some in the medium group did an extra 2 km (about 14.7 km total) by running the road instead of the gravel (getting in the extra kms for some training for 2 Oceans.) Both groups arrived back at the Bailiff's cottage more or less together and everyone reached the car park in 2h43.

Tim was back again but this time felt strong so managed to stay with the fast group.  Also had our regular ‘Melkbos’ crowd.

Congratulations and apologies to Jo Boswell whose 50th sortie was overlooked last week! Well done Jo! Way to go!

Thanks to Jo Boswell and Liz Brash for the lovely photos.

Not just any dam wall!