Friday, 26 February 2016

FEEDBACK: TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS - Saturday 27 February 2016 – Cape Point Nature Reserve. From Buffels Baai round Kanonkop

A small group of 14 runners gathered at Buffels Bay in Cape Point National Park before sunrise on a perfect day. We watched an awesome sunrise and then set off to Kanonkop. Gregg took off with the Fast runners and Neil led a gaggle of 7 chatty girls in the Medium group. 

What a beautiful run! We saw a herd of eland, ran with some bontebok and had an ostrich stride in front of us for a while. The views are spectacular and the weather couldn't have been better. A swim in the tidal pool ended the morning for some brave souls!

The Medium group did 8.78kms in 1h43 and the Fast group did 11.7 in 1h55.


Photos by Liz Brash, Jo Boswell and Lorraine Nevin


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